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PI - Patient Safety Protocols

The Society of Trauma Nurses (STN) has established a Trauma Performance Improvement Special Interest Group (Trauma PI SIG), designed to bring together STN members who are responsible for trauma performance improvement initiatives within their institutions and/or interested in advancing trauma PI best practices.

Jodi Gennusa is the trauma program manager at North Oaks Medical Center in Hammond, Louisiana. North Oaks Medical Center is an ACS verified Adult Level II trauma center. Jodi has served in this role for 4 years and prior to that served as the performance improvement nurse for 3 years. Overall, she has been involved with the trauma program for 10 years. After working in the surgical/trauma intensive care unit for several years, she knew her passion had quickly gravitated to caring for trauma patients in all aspects and now she is living out that passion.

Laura Harwood is the trauma program manager at St Anthony Hospital in Lakewood, Colorado, an ACS verified Level I trauma center. Her passion for trauma care stems back to the days when as a child, her mom would take her to be a mock patient for EMS trainings and mass casualty drills. She received her bachelors in nursing from the University of Colorado, Colorado Springs, Beth-el School of Nursing. Her background includes time as an EMT, time served with El Paso County Search and Rescue, as a critical care nurse in Washington, at St Anthony Hospital in the neuro trauma ICU, and then serving as a nurse with Flight for Life Colorado. She has been in the trauma services department at St Anthony Hospital since 2016 and has a passion for teaching people about trauma care and collaborating with everyone throughout the spectrum of trauma care to help every patient receive the best possible care for their injuries. She is a TNCC instructor and ATCN instructor as well. Outside of her work in the trauma program, she loves to spend time outdoors backpacking, skiing, and mountain biking--and capturing all of this in her photography. She lives in Evergreen, CO with her husband and daughter.