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Board Positions

The society aims to elect members who represent STN’s mission and who have the experience and qualifications necessary to lead the organization. The leadership application was therefore designed to collect responses from the candidates that illustrate their competencies and provide the members-at-large with facts to review prior to casting an educated vote.

Expectations of Board Member

  • Participation in at minimum 75% of scheduled conference calls (approximately 10 per year); 100% is the target.
  • Participation in 100% of the face to face Board of Director meetings (usually two per year), unless advance excusal is granted by the President.
  • Completion of orientation to the STN at start of term with appropriate STN executive committee member and other resource board member(s). May include (but not limited to) review of: STN bylaws, strategic plan, website, policy manual, pertinent job description, previous year’s annual report and board meeting minutes. View the board orientation webinar for more information.
  • Adherence to stated deadlines for STN projects.
  • Attendance at the STN annual conference. Attendance at other STN events is expected whenever possible.
  • Development and monitoring of pertinent STN policies, processes, etc.
  • Timely filing of reports in the required format for all STN for calls/meetings.
  • Maintenance of the appropriate STN board operations manual (if applicable).
  • Timely response to electronic discussion on important STN issues.
  • Represent STN accurately and professionally at venues where participating as an agent of the STN.
  • Personally recruit two new members to STN for each year of service on the board.
  • Maintenance of current membership in STN by timely payment of dues.
  • Complete and submit in-kind services/donations form to track donations of time, monies, services, and materials to STN, if requested.
  • Minimum monthly time requirement for STN board work is estimated at twelve hours.
  • Newly elected board members are invited to attend the in-person board meeting before the annual conference. Attendance is not mandatory but strongly encouraged. Travel reimbursement is not provided to newly elected board members however.

STN is expected to provide:

  • Reimbursement as set by the board for STN-related travel for each face to face board meeting not covered by the board member’s home institution or adjunct meeting/program.
  • Leadership development activities.
  • Administrative support from the STN office in accordance with the applicable scope of services.
  • Mentoring and organizational support from the STN executive committee and past officers.

President-Elect, Job Description

Qualifications to serve

  • Current member in good standing of STN with active membership for at least 2 years
  • Current STN Board member in good standing
  • Current trauma leadership position
  • Strong verbal and written communication skills
  • Able to commit an average of 10 hours/month to STN Board activities


  • Reviews and understands current by-laws, policies and procedures, and strategic plan of the Society of Trauma Nurses
  • Participates in Executive Committee conference calls at a minimum of 80% participation
  • Participates in monthly conference calls at a minimum of 80% participation level
  • Chairs the Strategic Planning Committee
  • Maintains current Strategic Committee under guidance of Executive Committee and Strategic Planning Committee
  • Serves as assistant to the President and in his/her place when requested
  • Attends and actively participate at the spring board meeting
  • Attends and actively participate at the fall board meeting
  • Attends the annual conference
  • Chairs Executive Board assigned committees
  • Submits reports to Board as requested (minimally at every board call)
  • Performs duties ethically and responsibly
  • Upholds allegiance to the Society of Trauma Nurses
  • Assists with needs of the organization

Term of Office

  • Elected for a 1 year term starting at the annual meeting after election with expectation to serve as President for following 1 year term and immediate past president for following 1 additional year
  • If elected/appointed to serve a remaining term, service will be for remaining term on position

Treasurer, Job Description

Qualifications to serve

  • Current member in good standing of STN with active membership for at least 2 years
  • Current trauma leadership position
  • Strong verbal and written communication skills
  • Ability to commit an average of 10 hours/month to STN Board activities


  • Reviews and understands current by-laws, policies and procedures, and strategic plan of the Society of Trauma Nurses
  • Oversees the financial structure and management of the Society
  • Monitors all income and expenses associated with the Society
  • Develops strategies in coordination with the Executive Committee and Executive Director to deal with budget variances
  • Assures all appropriate state, local, and federal tax forms are submitted
  • Assures an annual financial review is conducted by an outside CPA as well as a full audit every third year (note: first audit conducted on FYE 6.30.08).
  • Makes recommendations for investment of surplus funds
  • Works with Executive Board and Executive Director to prepare an annual budget
  • Participates in Executive board meetings at a minimum of 80% participation
  • Participates in monthly conference calls at a minimum of 80% participation level
  • Attends and actively participates at the spring board meeting
  • Attends and actively participates at the fall board meeting
  • Attends the annual conference
  • Serves as Executive Liaison to assure success of director(s)-at-large and SIG or committee chairs as assigned
  • Serves as chair of the Finance and Audit Committee
  • Submits reports to Board as requested (minimally at every board call)
  • Assures smooth transition to new leadership
  • Performs duties ethically and responsibly
  • Upholds allegiance to the Society of Trauma Nurses
  • Assist with needs of the organization

Term of Office

  • Elected for a 2 year term starting at the annual meeting after election
  • If elected/appointed to serve a remaining term, service will be for remaining term on position

Secretary, Job Description

Qualifications to serve

  • Current member in good standing of STN with active membership for at least 2 years
  • Current trauma leadership position
  • Strong verbal and written communication skills
  • Able to commit an average of 10 hours/month to STN Board activities


  • Reviews and understands current by-laws, policy and procedures, and strategic plan of the Society of Trauma Nurses
  • Serves as Parliamentarian of the Board
  • Participates in Executive board meetings at a minimum of 80% participation
  • Records proceedings and maintains a file of all Executive meetings
  • Assures back-up recording of Executive meetings when unable to attend
  • Participates in monthly conference calls at a minimum of 80% participation level
  • Records proceedings and maintains a file of all Board meetings
  • Assures back-up recording for meetings when unable to attend
  • Attends and actively participates at the spring board meeting
  • Attends and actively participates at the fall board meeting
  • Attends the annual conference
  • Serves as Executive Liaison and is responsible to assure success of Journal of Trauma Nursing committee, Education committee and Annual Conference Planning committee
  • Submits reports to Board as requested (minimally at every board call)
  • Assures smooth transition to new leadership
  • Performs duties ethically and responsibly
  • Upholds allegiance to the Society of Trauma Nurses
  • Assist with needs of the organization

Term of Office

  • Elected for a 2 year term starting at the annual meeting after election
  • If elected/appointed to serve a remaining term, service will be for remaining term on position

Director-at-Large, Job Description

Qualifications to serve

  • Current member in good standing of STN with active membership for at least 2 years
  • Current trauma leadership position
  • Strong verbal and written communication skills
  • Able to commit an average of 10 hours/month to STN Board activities


  • Reviews and understands current by-laws, policies and procedures, and strategic plan of the Society of Trauma Nurses
  • Participates in monthly conference calls at a minimum of 80% participation level
  • Attends and actively participate at the spring board meeting
  • Attends and actively participate at the fall board meeting
  • Attends the annual conference
  • Chairs Executive Board assigned committee
  • Submits reports to Board as requested (minimally at every board call)
  • Performs duties ethically and responsibly
  • Upholds allegiance to the Society of Trauma Nurses
  • Assist with needs of the organization

Term of Office

  • Elected for a 2 year term starting at the annual meeting after election
  • If elected/appointed to serve a remaining term, service will be for remaining term on position

International Director, Job Description

Qualifications to serve

  • Current member in good standing of STN with active membership for at least 2 years.
  • Current trauma leadership position.
  • Strong verbal and written communication skills.
  • Able to commit an average of 10 hours/month to STN Board activities.

Responsibilities (International Activities)

  • Represent STN and its members to the international community for the purpose of raising awareness about STN membership, programs and services and key initiatives globally.
  • Evaluate STN programs and services and make recommendations to the Board of Directors regarding opportunities to enhance opportunities for participation by international constituents. Provide feedback to the Board of Directors on behalf of STN’s international members.
  • Collaborate with ATCN’s International Chair on international issues specific to ATCN.
  • Serve as Chair of STN International Membership Council.
  • Serve as a liaison to all STN committees on international issues.

Term of Office

  • Elected for a 2 year term as director-at-large starting at the annual meeting after election.
  • If elected/appointed to serve a remaining term, service will be for remaining term on position.

Clinical Director, Job Description

Qualifications to serve

  • Current member in good standing of STN with active membership for at least 2 years.
  • Hold a current trauma leadership position.
  • Strong verbal and written communication skills.
  • Support the mission and vision of the STN.
  • Commit an average of 12 hours/month to STN Board activities.


  • Serve as a liaison to STN committees
    • Actively participate in discussions on the committee(s) strategic plan development, revisions, and maintenance.
    • Ensure a focus on “optimal clinical care” within the strategic plan i.e. latest technology, research etc.
    • Disseminate pertinent information from the STN board to the committee(s) and encourage frequent visitation to the STN website.
    • Work with the assigned STN staff representative to assure timely posting of committee minutes and other committee related documents to the STN website.
    • Work collaboratively with the assigned STN staff representative to assure sufficient resources to support committee activities (administrative & budgetary).
    • Participate in @ least 75% of committee conference calls.
  • Serve as an advocate for committee(s) to the STN board
    • Serve as the liaison to the STN board for any action items from the committee(s) requiring board approval.
    • Share progress/updates to the committee(s) strategic plan with the board.
    • Assure committee(s) representation in STN activities where appropriate i.e. ATCN updates, e-library specialty chapters etc.
  • Provide oversight to committee(s) at annual meeting.
    • Assure annual updates to committee(s) strategic plan and confirm alignment with STN strategic plan.
  • Serve as a resource for the special interest group(s) that are considering formalization into a committee.
  • Encourage committee(s) to provide submissions to the Journal of Trauma Nursing annually.
    • Urge committee(s) to submit case studies, research or QA tools as appropriate.
    • Provide information to committee(s) regarding requested topics from membership that correlate with committee specialty.
    • Provide JTN resources as able to support committee needs.
  • Work to establish collaborative opportunities with other trauma or healthcare organizations that encourage injury prevention or trauma related research.

Note: This description does not include components of the Director at Large Job Description which must also be adhered to.

Term of Office

  • Elected for a 2 year term as director-at-large starting at the annual meeting after election
  • If elected/appointed to serve a remaining term, service will be for remaining term on position.