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Conference Planning Committee

The Society of Trauma Nurses (STN) annual TraumaCon is a premier conference designed for all healthcare providers interested in the specialty of trauma nursing. The event offers a rich educational experience through a blend of dynamic didactic sessions led by expert speakers and interactive breakout sessions. Attendees can customize their conference experience with a variety of engaging sessions tailored to their specific interests and professional needs. Focusing on the latest advancements and best practices in trauma care, TraumaCon provides an invaluable opportunity for networking, knowledge sharing, and professional growth in a vibrant and collaborative setting. Throughout the three-day conference, you'll have the opportunity to reconnect with familiar colleagues, establish new connections, and choose from a wide array of exceptional educational sessions customized for nurses involved in the care of trauma patients and the administration of trauma programs and systems.


The conference chairperson is appointed by the Board of Directors. Conference Committee will be chosen by the conference chairperson.

Committee to include

A Nurse Planner from the Continuing Education Provider Unit (education committee), Two local representatives, Immediate past conference chair, STN President-Elect, STN Immediate Past President, and Diverse members with an ability to contribute to the planning and implementation of the annual conference. A chair-elect is identified by the conference chair, in collaboration with the Board of Directors, by the beginning of the second year in the chair’s term; this person is approved and appointed by the Board of Directors and is a working member of the committee.


Committee member(s) is/are assigned responsibility for leading the abstract selection and judging process, recommending cities for future TraumaCons, assisting onsite as moderators or other duties as assigned, connecting staff with potential exhibitors/sponsors, and offering input on the conference as a whole.

Requirements to Serve:

Must be an STN member in good standing.

Rules and Expectationsof Committee Members

75% attendance rate for committee members to meetings Conference committee members may serve up to six consecutive years based on the needs of the committee and at the discretion of the conference committee leadership (chair, -chair-elect, and immediate past chair) unless a member is appointed into the chair leadership track. Committee Chair term limit is 2 years.

Volunteer for an STN Committee

Maria McMahon is the Trauma Center Manager at Boston Children’s Hospital. She provides strong leadership working with the Trauma team, clinical staff, and multidisciplinary services staff to ensure current evidenced based practice information and education is available to better care for the injured child. Maria is actively involved in several professional organizations, and has presented on the topic of pediatric trauma and injury prevention, both nationally and internationally.