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Research Committee

The STN Research Committee is tasked with identifying opportunities to expand trauma nursing research throughout the continuum of care. The committee shall oversee the STN Research Grant Program, commission, analyze, and disseminate information regarding research conducted by STN on behalf of its members, and seek collaborative opportunities to increase nurse input and participation in domestic and international trauma research projects. Research Committee members are appointed to serve for two years with the opportunity for reappointment to a second two-year term.


  • Develop the STN research agenda with direction and approval from the STN Board of Directors.
  • Seek out and promote opportunities for trauma nursing research projects and opportunities for nurse input and participation in trauma-related research, globally.
  • Oversee the process of developing, reviewing and revising criteria for STN-funded research awards and research grants.
  • Review research abstracts and proposals for STN-funded research projects and make recommendations to the Board of Directors for approval.
  • Oversee communications related to the solicitation and outcome notification of research project proposals and other research opportunities to the STN membership.
  • Analyze, prepare, and disseminate information and data from the 2018 Trauma Program Manager Study, conducted by Castle Worldwide, to STN committees and STN members for the purpose of advancing STN’s mission and member-driven initiatives.
  • Provide reports and recommendations to the STN Board of Directors quarterly and as requested.
  • Participate in virtual monthly committee conference calls and perform tasks as assigned.

Requirements to Serve

  • Active or Associate STN member in good standing.
  • Passion for advancing opportunities for trauma nursing research and nurse participation in trauma research initiatives.
  • Availability for a one-hour monthly teleconference and the ability to allocate 1-2 hours per month of additional time towards assigned volunteer projects.
  • An advanced degree in nursing or research and a minimum of 2 years of research experience strongly preferred.
  • Knowledge of contemporary nursing and/or trauma research practices and current trauma research initiatives and opportunities preferred.

Rules and Expectations of STN Research Committee members.

  • 75% attendance rate for committee members to monthly meetings.
  • No term limit for members as long as they attend meetings and participate in at least one committee initiative.
  • Committee Chair term limit is 2 years.
  • There are 2 types of membership to the committee:
    • Associate member
      • The expectation is that the member provides mentorship to fellow members and project productivity. Requires a CV and 2 peer references identifying research expertise and experience.
    • Fellow member
      • The expectation of these members is to obtain experience in research through mentorship with Associate members. Requires a personal statement of interest in research.

Research Grants Awarded from STN Research Grant Fund


A pilot study to assess the utility of a mobile clinical decision-making tool for Pediatric Trauma clinical care guidelines.

Children’s Health Orange County


Designing a Forensic Evidence Collection Training Based on the Analysis of Intimate Partner Violence (IPV) Markers and Emergency Department Nurses’ Experiences.

The University of Texas at El Paso


Neuroinflammatory biomarkers, symptoms, and functional outcomes in individuals with moderate traumatic brain injury.

University of Miami School of Nursing and Health Studies


Using Data Collected from a “Trauma Informed Care” training to evaluate healthcare providers’ attitudes and communication skills with trauma patients.

The University of Texas at El Paso


Prevalence and Predictive Characteristics of Agitation in Patients with Traumatic Brain Injury in the Acute Care Setting.

University of Maryland Medical Center


Concussion Symptom Management: Use of a Mobile Application.

Western Michigan University

Volunteer for an STN Committee

Colleen Trevino bio coming soon.