The Journal of Trauma Nursing (JTN) is the only peer reviewed journal dedicated to trauma nursing. It is the official publication of the Society of Trauma Nurses. Members receive a bi-monthly subscription to the journal as well as online access to the entire journal content, the ability to print articles and search archives.
JTN's mission is to provide original articles and information that reflect the practice of trauma nursing in the areas of clinical practice, education, health policy and administration, and research. JTN focuses on innovations, trends and important issues that have an impact on the trauma patient and trauma nursing. JTN is intended for all professionals involved in trauma care, from first responder through rehabilitation.
The Journal of Trauma Nursing is released six times a year - four printed issues are mailed to subscribers, and two issues are distributed as online editions.
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Continuing Education
Selected articles from the Journal of Trauma Nursing and other publications have been recognized for their importance in providing continuing trauma education for nurses. For these articles there are Continuing Education tests which may be taken for credit.
Creation of a free account at CE Connection is required to participate. Once logged in, click on the title of the article, and then on the following page, click on the "Activity" tab to view the article, then return to the page and click on the "Take Test" tab.
When you successfully complete the test for CE and are asked for payment information, please use the following code, and the payment will be waived: STNMember.
Journal of Trauma Nursing | JTN has specific instructions and guidelines for submitting articles. Those instructions and guidelines are readily available on the submission service site. Please read and review them carefully. Articles that are not submitted in accordance with our instructions and guidelines are more likely to be rejected.
Subscription Rate Information Even if you are not an STN member, you and/or your institution can receive an annual subscription.