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Educational Opportunity: “Traumatic Brain Injury and Elderly Patients on Oral Blood Thinners"

In collaboration with the AAST, we are pleased to offer a geriatric-centered evidence-based clinical practice video entitled, “Traumatic Brain Injury and Elderly Patients on Oral Blood Thinners,” presented by Drs. Adam Nelson and Sasha Adams with the AAST Geriatric Committee.

Follow this link ( to learn about TBI and Elderly Patients on Oral Blood Thinners!

Please contribute to equity in access to information by taking a brief pre-video and post-video survey.

Instructions if Using a Computer AND Smartphone:

  1. Follow this link on your computer to begin watching the educational video:
  2. Open the barcode scanner app on your smartphone.
  3. Scan the embedded QR codes with your smartphone and complete the surveys on your device. There will be two separate QR codes: one for the pre-video survey and one for the post-video survey.

Instructions if Using One Device:

  1. First, follow this link to complete the Pre-Video Survey:
  2. Next, follow this link to watch the educational video:
  3. Lastly, follow this link to complete the Post-Video Survey:

Thank you for your participation in this meaningful work!

Questions? Contact Lacey LaGrone, MD MPH MA at