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2022 Moderator Packets

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2022 TraumaCon Conference Presentations

Click on the links below to download Power Point presentations:


Writing For Publication
Judy Mikhail, PhD, MBA, RN


Presidents' Address
Amy Krichten, MSN, RN, CEN, TCRN

Keynote Address: The Art of Making Connections
Minna Hong

Early Recognition and Rescue of the Injured Patient

Can You Effectively Utilize What You Don't Know? Trauma Registry for Data Users
Jane McCormack, BSN

Hip Fracture Performance Improvement: A Multidisciplinary Approach From Zero to Beyond Goal
Melissa Harte, DNP, MSHA, RN, TCRN

Too Hot to Handle
Debbie Harrell, MSN, RN, NE-BC

Trauma Practice Management Guidelines: From Concept to Bedside
Vicki Bennett, MSN, RN; George Kasotakis, MD, MPH, FACS, FCCM; Lisa Kodadek, MD

Comprehensive Strategies for Reducing Motor Vehicle VS. Pedestrian/Cyclist Collisions
Michael Rosenblatt, MD, MPH, MBA, FACS

A Systematic Approach to Evaluating Pediatric Patients with Injuries Concerning for Non-Accidental Trauma
Mary Maginas, RN, BSN, MSN, CPNP

Understanding Amputations in the World of Trauma
Cynthia Blank-Reid, MSN, RN, CEN, TCRN

"Oh, They're Fine.": Strangulation in Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault Cases
Ellen Kennedy, BSN, RN, SANE-A and Jess Hobbs, DO, FACEP

Why Are Trauma Patients So Hungry?
Darrell Hunt, MD, PhD, FACS

How Resiliency Can Defeat Vicarious Trauma
Kate Phillips, MSN, RN, CEN, SANE


Evidence Based Practice Abstract Presentations
  • An ED to PICU Transfer of Care Process to Ensure Safe Starts in PICU
    Maia Routly, MA, BSN, RN, CPN, EBP-C
  • Improving Trauma Triage Accuracy: Evaluating Focal Neurologic Deficits as a Predictor for Spine Injury
    Kate Dellonte, MBA, BSN, RN
  • The Effects of a Therapeutic Music Program on Work Related Stress in Intensive Care Unit Nurses
    Lakia White, MSN
Research Presentation Abstracts A Deployed Combat Support Hospital & A Civilian Level 1 Trauma Center: What's the Difference?
Joseph Blansfield, MSN, RN, ANP-BC, TCRN

Crash Dynamics
Deborah M. Stein, MD, MPH, FACS, FCCM

The Effects of a Training on Healthcare Providers’ Knowledge and Attitudes Related to Trauma Informed Care
Melissa Wholeben, PhD, RN, CNE, TCRN

Distinguished Lectureship: Leading to Tomorrow
Alice A. Gervasini, PhD, RN, NE-BC

Primum Non Nocere But What Happens Next?
Nick Fiore, MD, FACS; Stephanie Davidson, DO, FASA

Animal-Assisted Therapy
Jennifer Youngberg, MSSW, CSW


Evidence-Based Practice (EBP) Research Sharing Your Best

2022 Election

STN Members: You will be receiving the link to the 2022 Board of Directors ballot via email. Please contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. if you have not received it.

President-Elect (Two Candidates)

Candidate: Linda Kate Reinhart, MSN RN CCRN TCRN
Trauma Clinical Nurse Specialist/Injury Prevention Coordinator
Grand View Health

Responsibilities: After 35 years of working in an established Level I trauma center, I took on a new job opportunity to assist with developing a Level II trauma center at a small community hospital near my home. Hired as the Trauma Clinical Nurse Specialist & Injury Prevention Coordinator just one year ago, I have the awesome opportunity of being able to prepare nurses and other caregivers to care for trauma patients. I support clinical staff of all trauma designated units: the Dept of Emergency Medicine, ICU, OR/PACU, med-surg trauma ortho unit, & the pediatric unit; with the care and facilitation of care for our trauma patients. Education, didactic and hands-on skills, occur in the classroom,on-line, and most importantly, at the bedside. I am also involved in various aspects of the trauma program: trauma team sign-outs, process and policy development, and performance improvement. I am the Injury Prevention Coordinator and assist as an EMS liaison. As a member of this new trauma team, I am excited to share my years of expertise in trauma with an healthcare providers excited about learning and being able to care for their community in their community. As of September 1, 2021, Grand View Health received provisional status as a new Level II Trauma Center.

Past Experience: Up until one year ago, I had worked at one facility, Lehigh Valley Health Network, since I graduated from nursing school. Within those 35 years, at this Level I Adult Trauma Center, Level II Pediatric Trauma Center, and ABA verified Burn Center, I held various positions all within the realm of trauma and burn nursing. From bedside clinician in the Trauma Neuro ICU to assistant manager for that ICU as well as interim nursing director twice, and the Patient Care Specialist (PCS) for many years, trauma was my home and in my heart in this very large facility. As the PCS, I also covered the med-surg trauma unit and the burn unit. Wanting to learn more about trauma from a system’s perspective, I joined the network’s Trauma Program Development Office as the Adult Trauma Coordinator for 5 years. During those years, performance improvement and program development was the focus as I gained knowledge regarding trauma center standards and accreditation processes. Over the last several years prior to my leaving, I returned back to the bedside in the TNICU as a full time nightshift staff nurse, charge nurse and preceptor. In all of my years of varied experiences and opportunities in the world of trauma, the most rewarding time for me was when I was at the bedside with an incredible trauma team caring for patients and their families.

Statement of Intent: As I reflect back on the last thirty six years of my nursing career, I don’t regret one day. I have spent my career dedicated to the world of trauma nursing. Whether it’s bedside nursing or trauma program development, I have integrated the two but remained focused on what I feel is most important, and that is, the direct care of the critically injured /ill patient and their families across the continuum. Nationally and internationally, I support STN’s mission of ensuring optimal and equitable trauma care to all people. At this point in my nursing career and participation in the society and on the board, I would love the opportunity to provide further leadership as President Elect/President as we continue to grow and work on strategic planning to achieve our organizational goals. STN has given so much to me in terms of education, leadership opportunities, networking abilities in order for me to do my best in my own professional and personal life, that I would love the opportunity to give back as a leader in the organization in continuing the effort to provide the same to all trauma nurses globally.

Motivation: If elected as President Elect, I will work to find ways to support our organizational mission, vision, and core values. My goal will be to work collaboratively with STN’s Board of Directors, Agentis Management Firm, and STN committees/project leaders and members as we continue to develop, execute, and evaluate our strategic plan. My intent in this role will be to provide oversight of our six pillars of our strategic plan: Knowledge, Advocacy , Leadership, Research, Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion, and Alliance Building. I fully support and will continue to advocate for our society’s commitment to Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion as a separate committee, and as an initiative for all of STN’s committees to incorporate within their individual groups’ efforts moving forward. I will strive to encourage diversity in our membership, our committees, and in leadership roles. I will commit to growing our organization with trauma nurses from all walks of life nationally and internationally. I will support the effort to build alliances with and collaborate more with our military nurses, prehospital nurses, burn nurses, and our international community of trauma nurses as well as maintain our current relationships with other premier organizations. I will support educational and research opportunities for members,and encourage nurses to publish in the Journal of Trauma Nursing. I will advocate for those who are working diligently to give trauma organizations/nurses a voice in legislation. While continuing to respect and honor the backbone of this organization’s inception and strength of its members throughout the years, I hope to be able to encourage more involvement from our clinical nurses, from every aspect of trauma nursing, in hopes that they, too, will see the value of the organization for their own education and professional growth as well as for the patients that they care for each and every day. Supporting and encouraging involvement from clinical nurses globally, will help us to achieve our goal of advocating for the underserved and those who face barriers to providing and in receiving optimal trauma care. I want to find ways to support clinical nurses in achieving and maintaining optimal physical and emotional health. As done for me over my years of being a STN member, I hope to encourage many others to get involved and become the future leaders of the Society of Trauma Nurses organization and leaders within their own communities.

Previous Experience Serving On Governing Boards Or Committees:
Though not having any previous experience serving on any other professional governing boards, I have been very active in my community’s local volunteer fire department. Serving as a volunteer firefighter for the last 40 years, I also maintain a seat on the executive board as the treasurer for the last 33 years. As a relatively busy fire company with over 500 fire, EMS and other emergencies per year, the day to day business and operations are managed by the fire chief and executive board. I’ve been involved in creating yearly budgets and financial management along with trustees and president of the organization. As volunteer organizations like ours continue to struggle with financial burden, we do a fair amount of fundraising. I have and continue to assist with the coordination of fundraisers like bingo, carnival, and flower sales, as either the chairperson or a committee member.

From a nursing perspective, I have taken a pretty active role in every position that I have held over the years. As a bedside nurse, I became an active participant in the development of our unit’s shared governance model. I participated in several hospital wide and trauma specific committees at LVHN and now in my new position at Grand View Health.

Past and Current Participation Activities With STN:
I never forget my first experience with the Society of Trauma Nurses. A nursing colleague encouraged me to attend an STN conference with her. Not exactly knowing what to expect, I took the opportunity that was provided. The experience was very positive and lead me to want to be more involved in trauma nursing beyond my own hospital. It started with being selected and taking the opportunity to be an ATCN Instructor. Then I joined my first STN group, the Neuro-Trauma Significant Interest Group, which I later became the chairperson. A few years later, I joined the ATCN Executive Committee, and was later accepted as an ATCN Educator for the Faculty Course. I remain on this committee as the Educator Liaison. The networking opportunities and sharing of ideas and clinical practice has been very rewarding, and has helped me to become a better educator and mentor to clinical staff.

In June of 2016, the STN Board of Directors voted to develop a new board position, the Director At Large for Optimal Clinical Care. This board position’s role was to discover new ways to meet and support the needs of STN’s bedside trauma nurses. It was a true honor to have been selected to fill this position on the board. My first two responsibilities in this position was to develop the STN Clinical Committee and to manage the review and revisions of STN’s Electronic Library. As managing editor, the project was completed, and the clinical committee was well on its way developing clinically based webinars, and looking for ways to support clinical nurses. In addition to the Director-At-Large position, I have been serving on the Board’s Executive Committee, and currently serve as the secretary. As the secretary, I serve as the liaison to the editor and the editorial board of the Journal of Trauma Nursing. I continue to teach in ATCN courses, serve as a Course Director, and Educator. I have assisted other hospitals in starting their own ATCN programs. I am a TCRN Instructor for STN's TCRN Review Course, and remain involved in STN's clinical committee when able.

Candidate: LeAnne Young, MSN RN TCRN
Assistant Clinical Director for Trauma and the Center for Childhood Injury Prevention
Texas Children's Hospital

Responsibilities: I am the current Assistant Clinical Director of Trauma and the Center for Childhood Injury Prevention (CCIP) at Texas Children’s Hospital in Houston, TX. The trauma service consists of one Level I (state and ACS) and two Level IV (state) trauma centers. The tri-campus trauma registry volume includes approximately 3500 patients, of which approximately 2500 meet NTDB inclusion criteria. Our CCIP program leads pediatric injury prevention initiatives for southeast Texas and we are the lead organization for Safe Kids Greater Houston.

Past Experience: I have been a trauma nurse for over 16 years. Throughout my career I have held leadership roles at state designated and ACS verified adult and pediatric trauma programs in academic, community based, and rural health systems. I have had the honor of working at trauma centers committed to advancing trauma care and injury prevention in their communities which, in addition to Texas Children’s Hospital, also includes:
  • Memorial Hospital South Bend and Elkhart General Hospital (South Bend and Elkhart, IN)
  • Memorial Regional Hospital and Joe DiMaggio Children’s Hospital (Hollywood, FL)
  • Nicklaus Children’s Hospital (formerly Miami Children’s Hospital) (Miami, FL)
In addition to my leadership experience I have been actively involved in trauma PI, injury prevention and outreach, education, research, and the trauma registry. I have presented both nationally and internationally on the aftermath of pediatric trauma mortality and pediatric non-accidental trauma. I have been published twice in the Journal of Trauma Nursing and participated in research published in several other peer-reviewed journals.

Statement of Intent: During my first year on the STN board, as Director-at-Large, I was actively involved in strategic planning and membership engagement. For the past three years I have served as Treasurer for STN with a focus on financial sustainability and support for ongoing and new STN initiatives. If given the opportunity, as president-elect I will continue to uphold the mission and vision of the organization, support STN’s ongoing diverse growth and development, and ensure the advancement of the STN strategic plan. I believe my ongoing engagement in the organization beyond my STN board activities strengthens my ability to help lead and contribute to the overall success of the organization. I intend to utilize my experiences and accomplishments from leading uniquely different trauma programs to serve the needs of STN members who are in trauma centers of varying levels of designation/verification so they can best serve their communities.

Motivation: When I joined STN in 2010 I was inspired by the collective passion and dedication for the trauma patient population and made a professional commitment to support the organization as we advance trauma care globally. Over the past 11 years I have actively participated in numerous committees and worked on a variety of projects and initiatives, in addition to my role on the STN board.

One of the recent initiatives that I am proudest of is our preliminary work in the area of diversity, equity, and inclusion; an initiative that I co-led when we embarked on this journey in 2020 and one that will continue to be a strategic priority for the organization. If given the opportunity, as president-elect my goal is to continue my support for STN’s strategic initiatives and financial sustainability while ensuring we advance our national and international footprint as a premiere, diverse, equitable, and inclusive organization for trauma nurses globally. This includes ensuring trauma nurses working in all phases of the trauma care continuum, and in all geographic regions, feel seen and valued for their unique perspectives and contributions to STN and to trauma patient care.

As STN focuses on growing as a diverse organization, my goal is to ensure this growth in our membership also reflects the unique makeup of the populations we serve. This includes creating avenues of engagement with minority nursing organizations, enhancing opportunities for international engagement and participation, encouraging student nurses to consider trauma nursing for their future career goals, and ensuring that STN is positioned as the leading authority and professional home for all nurses engaged in the care of trauma patients of all ages.

As STN continues to expand educational offerings to trauma nurses it is equally important that we continue to ensure the highest quality of these offerings regardless of how/where these courses are delivered. My time as the ATCN Quality Assurance (QA) sub-committee chair has strengthened my passion and commitment to this initiative, and my goal is to ensure STN continues to provide consistency in the quality of all our current and future educational offerings.

Previous Experience Serving On Governing Boards Or Committees:
  • Florida Association of Trauma Coordinators (2009-2011; 2015 - 2019)
  • Mothers for TBI Hope (2014 - 2015)
  • Indiana Trauma Network (2019 - 2021)
  • Indiana District 2 Trauma Regional Advisory Council (2019 - 2021)
  • Pediatric Trauma Society (PTS) Nurse Leadership Committee (2019 - present)
  • Trauma Centers Association of America (TCAA) Pediatric Trauma Committee (2020 - present)
  • Southeast Texas Regional Advisory Council (2021 - present)
  • PTS Nurse Leadership Steering Committee (2021 - present)
Past and Current Participation Activities With STN:
  • Executive Board - Treasurer (2019 - present)
  • Finance and Audit Committee Chair (2019 - present)
  • Director at Large; Board Liaison - Membership and Marketing Committee (2018 - 2019)
  • Journal of Trauma Nurses peer reviewer (2013 -2015; 2018 - present)
  • Pediatric Trauma Steering Committee (2016 - present)
  • ATCN Committee (2017 - present)
  • Membership Engagement Committee (2018 - present)
  • ATCN Quality Assurance sub-committee Chair (2019 - present)
  • Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Taskforce/Committee (2020 - present)
  • STN Mentor (2021 - present)

Secretary (Two Candidates)

Candidate: Janet Cortez, MS, RN, TCRN
Trauma Program Manager
University of Utah Health

Responsibilities: I am involved in the continuing growth and development of a robust trauma program within my hospital and our evolving state and region wide trauma system. I am appointed member of our state trauma PIPS committee and active member of the Utah Trauma Program Manager Forum. I am currently a Trauma Program Manager Representative on the board of the Trauma Center Association of America (TCAA). I also actively participate on multiple committees and the state and national level for trauma related initiatives.

Past Experience: My clinical background includes working with medical/surgical, burn, trauma and other critical care patients. Administratively, I am a seasoned Trauma Program Manager who is consistently working to improve the trauma system of care by optimizing the expertise of our multidisciplinary team to help improve patient outcomes.

Statement of Intent: I am interested in the position of Secretary. Being a member of the STN board, and the executive committee would allow me an opportunity to collaborate, and act on initiatives that improve information sharing for trauma providers thus benefitting our trauma patients collectively.

Motivation: I thrive doing board and committee work and enjoy being actively involved in innovation and making positive change in areas where I feel I can listen and contribute in a positive way. My goals include discovering creative ways to streamline and support the care we provide while simultaneously improving outcomes for our patients.

Previous Experience Serving On Governing Boards Or Committees:
I am currently serving on the boards of STN and TCAA. I am currently actively serving on several hospital, state and national trauma committees.

Past and Current Participation Activities With STN:
  • Member representative to ACS PIPS committee for revisions to the “Orange Book” (2018‐2020)
  • ATCN Fund Review Committee (2016‐present)
  • ATCN State of UT Course Director (2005‐2020)
  • Board of Directors: Secretary (2017‐2019)
  • STN Liaison to Journal of Trauma Nursing (2018)
  • ATCN Region 8 Director (2010‐2018)
  • Leadership Institute Online Course‐Pilot Participant (2015)
  • TOPIC Course Participant (2015)
  • Trauma Nurse Mentor for Latin America (2013‐2014)
  • ATCN Co‐Chair, Refresher Course Development (2011‐2013)
  • Board of Directors‐Education (2009‐2013)
  • ATCN International Faculty (2009‐Santiago, Chile)

Candidate: Jolene Kittle, PhD, RN, ACCNS-AG, NE-BC. TCRN, CEN, CCRN-K, CFRN
Trauma Program Manager
Upstate University Hospital

Responsibilities: I am the Trauma Program Manager for an ACS Verified Level I Adult Trauma Program. I am responsible for the organization of services and systems necessary for a multidisciplinary approach to providing care to the injured patient across the continuum. I participate in and provide oversight to the trauma registry, performance improvement program, injury prevention, and outreach. This role also includes the supervision of the trauma program team.

Past Experience: I have been a registered nurse since 2004. The last 7 years I have served as the Trauma Program Manager for the Adult Trauma Program. Prior that I practiced for 10 years at the bedside across the continuum of trauma including Emergency Department, SICU, acute surgical floor, code team/ICU Float and as a critical care flight RN. I was also previously employed as Faculty for TCAR Education Programs. I am an instructor for the following courses: ATCN, TNCC, Rural Trauma Team Development Course, and Stop the Bleed. I was a successful beta tester for the TCRN and served 2 terms as an item writer for the exam. I am a peer reviewer for the Journal of Trauma Nursing and Journal of Emergency Nursing.

Statement of Intent: It is my intention to run for the position and fully commit to Secretary for the Board of Directors for STN, should I be elected. It would be my honor and privilege to serve the organization in this way.

Motivation: When I was 9 years old, I helped take care of my Nana as she battled terminal cancer. While it was extremely difficult and painful experience, I also found joy in caring for her and hopefully providing her comfort. I knew from that moment, that I wanted to become an RN and by the time I graduated nursing school, knew that I wanted to be a trauma nurse. The Society of Trauma Nurses has played an important role in my development and growth as a trauma nurse and trauma leader. I have been honored to serve as a Director at Large and wish to continue and grow my service in the position of Secretary. If elected, one goal I have is to help support the growth and objectives of the DEI Committee according to the STN Strategic Plan. A second goal I have is to help develop a more formal process in which STN partners with allied organizations with the goal of strengthening STN’s position and supporting others with similar goals. Thirdly, I am personally interested in advancing trauma research and have a goal of supporting and growing nursing research in new and different ways.

Previous Experience Serving On Governing Boards Or Committees:
My current board/committee service to STN includes serving on the Board of Directors as a Director at Large, and as a member of both the Membership and DEI Committees. I have previously served as the Treasurer for the NYS American Trauma Society Board of Directors, TCAA Systems Committee (member), EAST Multicenter Trials Committee (member) and am the Immediate Past Chair of the TCAA Annual Meeting Planning Committee. I was also a nurse contributor for Chapters 16 and 17 for the upcoming Resources for Optimal Care of the Injured patient.

Past and Current Participation Activities With STN:
Specific to STN my past and current participation includes: serving as Director at Large for the Board of Directors, member of DEI and Membership committees, peer reviewer for JTN, past item writer for TCRN, current ATCN instructor, and the 2019 Awards and Board of Directors Nominating Committee. It would be my honor and privilege to serve as the Secretary for the STN Board of Directors.

Director-at-Large (Six Candidates)

Candidate: Kristen Chreiman, MSN, RN, CCRN-K, TCRN
Trauma Program Manger
Penn Presbyterian Medical Center, University Pennsylvania Health System

Responsibilities: Currently serving as the Trauma Program Manager at an academic urban Level One PTSF accredited trauma center caring for over 3000 injured patients annually. In collaboration with the Trauma Medical Director, oversees the development and maintenance of trauma center clinical operations, performance improvement program, educational and injury prevention programs, trauma registry and accreditation that affect all functions of the Trauma Center. Collaboratively supports the health system’s network of trauma centers, military training program, surgical critical care and acute care surgery practices. Advocate for violence prevention, ATCN course director and BCON instructor. Active researcher with numerous publications in peer review journals. Invited speaker, both Nationally and Internationally, on the topics of IO access, video review, performance improvement, IRR and technology.

Past Experience: Trauma Nurse for over 25 years. Previously served the Trauma Network Administrator for The Division of Trauma, Surgical Critical Care and Emergency Surgery at the University of Pennsylvania Health System in Philadelphia, PA. Responsibilities included the oversight of Trauma Network affiliates, new business development, Trauma Registry, clinical operations of Emergency Surgery Service and Data Analysis. Formerly the Director of Operations, Strategic Initiatives for the Department of Radiation Oncology leveraging strong operations and business acumen. Responsible for the operational oversight of network practices (8), new Proton center development (3) and strategic affiliations for global initiatives (4). Active partner with health system and departmental senior leadership to create and align strategic vision for growth of technology and market share. Extensive experience in trauma program development and quality improvement. Ensured safe and consistent practices of all staff and patients in line with UPHS and Departmental standards during the COVID-19 pandemic of 2020. Directed network and individual trauma center site evolution including, foundation for a partnership with US Navy and Penn Medicine to develop training and sustainment centers for military personnel. Operationalized staff and patient movement to a new Trauma Center location across campus. Previously held the role of On-line Editor for the Journal of Trauma Nursing, the official publication for the Society of Trauma Nurses. This role supported STN’s strategic goals by maintaining digital social media content and webpage development for the Journal of Trauma Nursing with Wolters Kluwer. Prior to these positions, was a Performance Improvement Coordinator, a staff nurse in a Trauma & Surgical ICU, a Penn STAR flight nurse and a Legal Nurse Consultant.

Statement of Intent: It has been an honor and privilege to have been elected and serve on the STN board as a Director-At-Large, liaison to the Leadership Committee and on the Diversity, Equity and Inclusion taskforce. The last 18 (+) months have been unprecedented, not only with the wave of impact that came from the COVID-19 pandemic, but also with the increased violence within our communities and that which penetrated into our workplace. Our nurses need strong leadership now more than ever to motivate change and advocate for safety, equity and wellness. If re-elected, I will strive to stimulate the development of crucial skills essential to the role of the trauma nurse to ensure the delivery of clinical excellence in trauma care. It is my personal goal to continue to become more adept as a nursing leader and advocate for enviornments that foster the delivery of injury care.

Motivation: During time as a member of STN, I have been inspired to transition from an active listener to an active participant in evolving trauma clinical care, quality improvement, innovation and research. I continue to be amazed by the passion of the trauma nurse. Last year was one of the toughest in my 25-year career. We did not work from home. We showed up, put on our PPE and continued to care for the sick and injured without missing a beat. We fought for life, recovery and optimal outcomes. All this in lieu of our own safety and in fear for our families’. There is so much we have gleaned from this experience and yet so much more to learn. We learned what it meant to be a trauma nurse and a team. We learned to advocate for ourselves as professionals and our need for wellness and respect. We learned to be resilient and that when times get tough we lean on each other. I am asking for your vote so that I can continue to partner with you and my fellow board members to advocate and help lead important initiatives to fulfill the strategic plan we set in motion. Through thoughtful innovation we can find new ways to advance knowledge, work towards reducing community interpersonal and workplace violence, broaden our inclusivity and diversity and optimize outcomes in trauma care delivery. I look forward to continuing to serve the society and its members in the future.

Previous Experience Serving On Governing Boards Or Committees:
  • STN- Board Of Directors (1 term)
  • Journal of Trauma Nursing, Editorial Board
  • Pennsylvania Trauma Systems Foundation, Technology Committee
  • Pennsylvania Trauma Systems Foundation, TQIP Collaborative
  • Pennsylvania Trauma Systems Foundation, Registry Committee
  • Multiple local hospital committees
Past and Current Participation Activities With STN:
  • STN Board of Directors, Director At Large
  • STN, Leadership Committee Board Liaison
  • STN, Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Task Force
  • STN, Leadership Committee Member
  • STN, Pre-Conference Speaker

Candidate: Tracy Cotner-Pouncy, BSN, BS, RN, TCRN
Senior Director, Trauma Services

Responsibilities: Currently, I serve as the Regional Sr. Director for Trauma Services in the Northern Region for UCHealth, covering one Level II trauma center and three Level III trauma centers. I have the privilege of serving as the Co-Chair for the STN TOPIC Committee and I was recently named to the American Trauma Society's (ATS) Trauma Nursing Leadership Council. I am also finishing my second term as the STN liaison to the American College of Surgeons (ACS) Trauma Systems Committee. I am an active trauma nurse reviewer for the ACS, Arkansas, Colorado and Texas.

Past Experience: I started my trauma career as a Trauma Designation Coordinator for the State of Texas. Clinically, I had been an Emergency Room nurse at a Level II trauma center. My first Trauma Program Manager (TPM) position was at a military Level I trauma center in San Antonio, Texas. I spent 10 years in that position before transitioning to the Director position at University Health System, an Adult and Pediatric Level I trauma center. I spent 10 years in that position as well before moving to my current Director position in Colorado. In STN, I have been a TOPIC instructor and now serve as the Co-Chair for the TOPIC Committee. I have also served two terms as the STN Liaison to the ACS Trauma System Committee. For ATS, I have been Faculty for the Trauma Registry Course. I have been a nurse reviewer for ACS and Texas for over 15 years. In the State of Texas, I have served on the Trauma Systems Committee for the Governors EMS & Trauma Advisory Council (GETAC). I have served as the Chair of the Trauma Coordinators Committee and the Stop the Bleed Committee for the Southwest Texas Regional Advisory Council (STRAC). In the Texas Trauma Coordinators Forum (TTCF), I served as the Chair of the Membership/Mentorship Committee as well as the Director at Large.

Statement of Intent: It is my intention to seek a Director At Large position for STN in order to better support the organization and the many trauma nurses and other trauma staff that it represents.

Motivation: My motivation for running for Director At Large is to become more involved in the Society of Trauma Nurses organization. I have had the privilege to Co-Chair the TOPIC Committee and it is my desire to support the organization and its members in a more expansive way. My goals would be to support the Board of Directors, promote the Society of Trauma Nurses, and liaison with the other STN Committees as well as other trauma organizations such as ACS, ATS and TCAA.

Previous Experience Serving On Governing Boards Or Committees:
Nationally, I have served as the STN TOPIC Co-Chair and Liaison to the ACS Trauma Systems Committee. I was recently named to the ATS Trauma Nursing Leadership Council. At a State level, I have served as a member of the Trauma Systems Committee for the Governors EMS & Trauma Advisory Council (GETAC) for Texas. I served as a board member for over 15 years for the Texas Trauma Coordinators Forum (TTCF). Regionally, I chaired the Trauma Coordinators Committee and the Stop the Bleed Committee for the Southwest Texas Regional Advisory Council (STRAC) and served on the Executive Committee for two decades.

Past and Current Participation Activities With STN:
For STN, I have been a TOPIC Instructor since 2008 and the Co-Chair of the TOPIC Committee since 2019. I participated in the Role Delineation Workgroup in 2017. I have also been an active participate in the STN Annual Conference contributing abstracts and posters. I also provided the Dec 2020 Webinar on Whole Blood.

Candidate: Kenyatta Hazlewood, RN BSN BSHS MPH
Director, Trauma Services
Lead an ACS Verified Level 1 Trauma Center
Howard University Hospital

Responsibilities: I am responsible for developing, organizing, implementing, coordinating and evaluating functions of the interdisciplinary Trauma Service. Trauma Services is an operation that unites all aspects of healthcare within the acute care setting. In addition to clinical services, I am the liaison to the Executive leadership and Trauma services. I direct distinct teams, Trauma registry, Injury Prevention and Outreach, Trauma Social Work, Trauma Education and grant coordination. I am also responsible for the organization of services and systems necessary for the multidisciplinary approach to the care of the hospital. I maintain trauma certifications and am certified to direct national curriculums for trauma nurses and physicians.

Past Experience: I love the intersection of nursing and public health. In nursing, I’ve worked throughout the Trauma spectrum. In my early career I was an Emergency and Trauma bedside nurse. I was then hired as an Injury Prevention and Outreach Coordinator (the first at that hospital). I've worked as a Trauma Educator, Trauma Program Manager and now Trauma Services Director. In terms of my Public Health career I've worked with the District of Columbia Department of Health on HIV and Children's Vaccine initiatives.

Statement of Intent: I intend to run for the Office of Director-at-large. I believe the 2-year appointment will allow me to contribute to the board and the membership in a meaningful way as it pertains to the advancement of Trauma Nurses and diversity. Trauma Nursing is a specialized area of Critical Care and too often there is not a critical care focus or curriculum that is specific to Trauma in nursing undergraduate and graduate programs. I would like to shed light on how we as Trauma nurses can infuse trauma care into nursing curriculums. Historically, the body of nursing has been attributed to a particular race and sex, in a push to include accredited schools of nurses, I’d like to begin to broaden the idea of a trauma nurse.

Motivation: My motivation for running for office is the longing to be joined to the Society in different capacity. I’ve been a member, co-chair of a sig, liaison and “cheerleader” for STN and I would like to affect change at the Board of Director’s level. As a member for over 10 years, I notice many of the same nurses and participants at the conferences each year and my goal would be to make an effort to rejuvenate them and create a space for new nurses and participants to join.

Previous Experience Serving On Governing Boards Or Committees:
I’ve had experience serving on several local, regional and national boards. I served on; the Injury Prevention Committee for Washington, DC (WDC), the Research Advisory Board of – American Foundation for Firearm Injury Reduction in Medicine (AFFIRM), Co-Chair of the WDC Violence Fatality Committee, Liaison on American College of Surgeon, Committee on Trauma Injury Prevention Committee, Chair- STN –Injury Prevention Committee, member- WDC Office on Aging – Falls Prevention, Scholarship Chair - Chi Eta Phi Inc. – Professional Nursing organization.

Past and Current Participation Activities With STN:
I’ve been a member of STN for 11 years, a member of the Injury Prevention special interest group and the chair and co-chair of the group. I’m the current STN liaison to the ACS –COT committee on Injury Prevention and participated in the focus group for the Trauma Program Manager Job description in Raleigh, NC. I’ve also attended the majority of conferences since I joined.

Candidate: Danielle Sherar, MBA, RN, TCRN
Manager, Trauma & Acute Care Surgery
JPS Health Network

Responsibilities: My current role as Manager of Trauma & Acute Care Surgery at JPS Health Network (Level 1 Trauma Center) consists of collaboration with the Trauma Medical Director and Executive Trauma Program Director on development, implementation, and evaluation of the trauma program, performance improvement, research, and injury prevention to ensure compliance with the American College of Surgeons and/or Department of State Health Services for the State of Texas designation requirements. I am responsible for the management of the Trauma Service Line and Staff which includes PI Specialists, Trauma Nurse Clinicians, Professional Educator and Outreach Coordinator. I am responsible for the supervision of the Trauma Nurse Clinicians in the Emergency Department providing direct trauma care to ensure care compliance. I maintain the program's operational budget and direct the delivery of comprehensive trauma care through coordination and provision of expert direct or indirect patient care from admission until discharge. I also monitor and evaluate trauma care compliance with protocols/policies/guidelines from admission to discharge to determine quality care, educational needs and/or performance improvement needs.

In addition to my trauma program responsibilities, I am also the Program Manager for our Emergency General Surgery (EGS) program in which I collaborate with the EGS Medical Director on development, implementation, and evaluation of the EGS program, performance improvement, and research to ensure compliance with the American College of Surgeons. . I am responsible for the management of the EGS Service Line and Staff which includes PI Specialists. I am responsible for analyzing data for both trauma and EGS programs including internal dashboards and TQIP benchmark reports, and address opportunities for improvement.

Lastly, I am the current Chair for the Trauma Committee for the North Central Texas Trauma Regional Advisory Council (NCTTRAC), Chair for the Level 1/2 Trauma Committee for Texas Trauma Coordinators Forum (TTCF), and a State Surveyor for Texas EMS Trauma & Acute Care Foundation (TETAF) in which I am responsible for surveying Level 3 and 4 trauma centers within the State of Texas.

Past Experience: I have been a nurse for 15 years; 13 of which have been dedicated to trauma care. I started my career in the Trauma/Surgical ICU of a Level 1 trauma and burn center in Wichita, KS. I expanded my nursing experience within the same institution as an ED RN. Upon relocating to Texas in 20211, I joined the Level 1 trauma program at JPS Health Network as a Trauma Nurse Clinician (TNC) and fell in love with the PI process and contributing to driving patient care/outcomes from a different perspective. During my time as a TNC, I participated in my first ACS Level 1 reverification survey and was enlightened to the survey process. In 2013, I received an opportunity to develop a Level 2 trauma program where we received successful verification from the ACS in 2017 and reverification in 2020. Both surveys were completed with zero deficiencies. I have been in a TPM role since 2013 and am currently responsible for the PIPS program, professional education and outreach for the Level 1 trauma program here at JPS Health Network. I have assisted three, Level 3 trauma centers with program development, successful designation and program sustainment during my time as a TPM. I have also completed a Nurse Executive Fellowship with Baylor Scott & White Health and Southern Methodist University (SMU) in 2019.

Statement of Intent: I would like to be considered for the Director-at-Large position as I am a trauma professional with a strong commitment to excellence in trauma care and have expansive knowledge of the trauma designation system. I am active in my state and regional trauma system, holding leadership positions in both. I possess acumen in leadership, operations, quality, and business. I have a servant heart and am ethical, dependable, and adaptable.

Motivation: I am interested in the Director-at-Large position as I enjoy gaining in-site to by-laws, policies and procedures and working to improve and/or build upon those. I have prior experience as a Parliamentarian in which I was responsible for these items and work closely with policy and procedure in my current leadership position. I would like to be more involved with the STN on a planning and support capacity to aid in the future direction of the organization, educational offerings to our beside trauma leaders along with trauma leadership roles. I enjoy teaching others about trauma care and motivating them to drive performance and optimal outcomes for those that we serve. I would like to see the organization develop additional mentorship programs for new trauma leaders and assist with educational programs for bedside RNs. I enjoy strategizing program growth and future endeavors and feel my current and past experience could aid STN in continuing to expand the education platform and mentorship for trauma nurses.

Previous Experience Serving On Governing Boards Or Committees:
  • North Central Texas Trauma Regional Advisory Council (NCTTRAC) Trauma Committee Chair (Sept. 2021 - Sept. 2022)
  • North Central Texas Trauma Regional Advisory Council (NCTTRAC) Trauma Committee Chair Elect (Sept. 2020 - Sept. 2021)
  • North Central Texas Trauma Regional Advisory Council (NCTTRAC) Systems Performance Improvement Committee Core Committee Member (2019 - Current)
  • Texas Trauma Coordinators Forum (TTCF) Chair, Level 1/2 Trauma Committee (2019 - Current)
  • Texas Trauma Coordinators Forum (TTCF) Co-Chair, Level 1/2 Trauma Committee (2018-2019)
  • Texas Trauma Coordinators Forum (TTCF) Parliamentarian (2016-2018)
  • Trauma Nursing Core Course (TNCC) Faculty, Course Director, and Instructor Mentor Designee (2012 - Current)
  • Advanced Trauma Care for Nurses (ATCN) Instructor (2012 - Current)
  • Baylor Scott & White Health System Chair, Trauma Designation Committee (2014-2020)
  • Bull Terrier Club of Dallas, Treasurer (2015 - Current)
Past and Current Participation Activities With STN:
I am an active member of STN and have been an Instructor for the Advanced Care for Nurses (ATCN) course since 2012 and remain active. I was a poster session presenter at the STN Conference in Portland, OR in 2018 on the Management of Traumatic Isolated Hip Fractures in a Community Level II Trauma Center. I have also completed the STN Trauma Program Manager Course in 2013.

Candidate: Pamela Vanderberg, MSN, MBA, RN, TCRN, CEN
Trauma Program Director
Wellstar Atlanta Medical Center

Responsibilities: Trauma program director for a Level One trauma center in Atlanta, GA with 3100 activations annually. Provides administrative and educational oversight for the Level I Trauma program service line to include organizing, developing, directing, and assuring the delivery of cost-effective quality patient care. Direct supervision of trauma program staff. Responsible for TQIP/NTDB submissions and oversight. Participant in GQIP AKI workgroup. Maintained appointment to ACS TPIPS committee to develop best practice guidelines for mental health and substance abuse.

Past Experience: Trauma program director at Level II facility x 3 years, Trauma program manager at Level I facility x 4 years, 12 years of progressive nurse manager positions in ED and STICU (Level I facility). Bedside clinician in ICU and ED including pediatrics and a burn center. I have also been involved in the development of best practice guidelines for TQIP the last three years as an STN nurse consultant. While in Colorado, I was the chair of the clinical committee for our RETAC.

Statement of Intent: I want to assist with the continued direction and achievements of STN to improve care to the trauma patient, create avenues for advocacy and help with system development of trauma care.

Motivation: I want to continue to increase my involvement in STN as I value the role of STN as an advocate for the trauma nurse and the patient. My goals are to assist trauma centers with implementation of best practices and evaluating outcomes to identify additional opportunities for improvement. I want to advocate for trauma centers to be supported by their facilities and work to develop program staff to learn effective communication and advocacy goals.

Previous Experience Serving On Governing Boards Or Committees:
  • TPIPS Best Practice guidelines committee 2019 to present
  • TCAA Systems committee Jan 2021 to present
  • STN GAPP committee since April 2021
  • Served as committee member and advancement chair for Cub Scouts and Boy Scouts
Past and Current Participation Activities With STN:
  • Attended annual conferences x2
  • Presented at 2021 virtual conference
  • Member of GAPP committee since January
  • STN nurse liaison to TPIPs best practice development since 2019

Candidate: Jill Volgraf, MSN, RN
Director, Trauma and Burn Operations
Temple University Hospital

Responsibilities: I am currently the Director of Trauma and Burn Operations at an accredited adult Level 1 Trauma Center and a verified adult Burn Center. I am responsible for oversight of both programs, including registry, research and PI efforts. I have been at the institution since 2003 and held various positions until 2014 when I became the Trauma Program Manager. I acquired the Burn Center and became a Director in 2018. I also have supervisory responsibilities for all surgical advance providers (NP and PA), the trauma registry, trauma outreach, trauma research and trauma education.

Past Experience: I have been employed by Temple University Hospital since 2003 and was a graduate nurse. I started in the ED as a staff nurse and transitioned to the Trauma Program as a Trauma Clinical Coordinator which involved mostly doing Performance Improvement in 2010. I became the Trauma Program Manager in 2014. In 2017, I began the oversight of our surgical APPs—including Trauma, Surgical ICU, Acute Care Surgery, Colo Rectal Surgery and Burn. In late 2018, the Burn Program came under my portfolio as we began to standardize the programmatic aspects.

Statement of Intent: I intend to run for a Director at Large position on Board of Directors of the Society of Trauma Nurses.

Motivation: The Society of Trauma Nurses has provided me with opportunities throughout the years for both personal and professional growth. I first joined when I began to work as a Trauma Clinical Coordinator and a co-worker told me about the organization and what a resource STN could be to me. The ideas and information that have been shared with me through the years have helped me grow professionally and allowed me to improve the Trauma and Burn Programs I am a part of in ways I could never describe. I believe there is always more work to be done to improve outcomes, patient care and staff growth and I would like to help. I believe in giving back and have tried to become involved in various aspects of STN and encourage other individuals to not only join as a member but also to become involved in the organization and contribute. I would like to continue the work of encouraging more nurses to become involved in STN by working to identify valuable benefits for the group at large. I also believe we all can learn from each other and we are stronger together as we work to make positive changes for trauma patients and their families. Trauma affects all of us in every aspect of our lives – we all have had friends, neighbors and family members who have experienced it in some way, shape or from. By working to make the ideas for positive change into workable projects we can continue to offer our current and future members resources that allow them them to grow professionally and personally.

Previous Experience Serving On Governing Boards Or Committees:
  • Pennsylvania Trauma Systems Foundation Standards Committee 2014-2019
  • Pennsylvania Trauma Systems Foundation Outcomes Committee 2020-present
  • Pennsylvania Trauma Nurse Advisory Council 2010- present
  • Pennsylvania Trauma Nurse Advisory Council Chair January 2020-present
  • TQIP PA Collaborative Leadership Committee December 2019-present
Past and Current Participation Activities With STN:
STN member since 2015

Committee Work
  • STN Leadership Extern 2016
  • STN Leadership Committee member 2017- present
  • STN Leadership Committee Co-Chair July 2018- March 2020
  • STN Leadership Committee Chair March 2020-2021
  • STN Diversity, Equality and Inclusion Committee Member 2021
Presentations/ Publications
  1. STN Business Writing Series: Navigating Professional CVs, Resumes, Interviews & Portfolios in a Competitive Healthcare Environment. Presented Resume Vs Curriculum Vitae: The What, When and Why (2021). A 3-part webinar aimed at helping STN members prepare for the jobs they want.
  2. “Understanding Burn Care from Resuscitation to Rehabilitation”. A 4-hour pre-conference workshop. Society of Trauma Nurses Annual Trauma Conference. Was virtual meeting due to the pandemic; March 27, 2021.
  3. “Multidisciplinary Approach and Strategies to Improve Emergency Department Documentation”. Poster presentation at Society of Trauma Nurses Annual Trauma Conference. March 28, 2019, Lexington, KY
  4. Leadership externship: a year in review. Externship review article published in the Journal of Trauma Nursing, 2017
  5. “Mass Casualty: Lessons Learned from the Amtrak 188 Crash”. Podium presentation at Society of Trauma Nurses Annual Trauma Conference. April 7, 2017, St. Louis, MO

International Director-at-Large (Two Candidates)

Candidate: Helen Jowett, RN
Trauma Program Manager
The Royal Children's Hospital Melbourne

Responsibilities: I am the Trauma Program Manager of a Level 1 Paediatric Major Trauma Centre, which is the stands-alone centre for the state of Victoria. I oversee the running and coordination of our multidisciplinary trauma team and all facets of our trauma program both within my institution and across the state.

Past Experience: I have held the position of TPM for over 13 years. Prior to this I worked in a variety of roles within the Royal Children's hospital, but the majority of my time was spent in Intensive Care, Burns and Trauma, Quality Improvement over the past 25 years.

Statement of Intent: I would like to apply for the position of International Director at Large with the Society of Trauma Nurses. I have been a member of the STN for several years and I am impressed with the level of organisation, and engagement with STN members. I believe we could truly extend the reach of the society solely by representing and supporting nurse on the international platform.

Motivation: I have played an integral role with the STN International Council over the past several years and I was elected chair of the Global Trauma Quality Improvement Taskforce in 2019. I would like to see the STN become a truly dedicated international society, representing nurses from all regions across the globe. As the largest organisation dedicated to providing nurses with up to date trauma information, opportunities for education, quality improvement, research and professional development, I believe the society can affect change at the grassroots level, in countries with little or no resources.

Previous Experience Serving On Governing Boards Or Committees:
  • Current President of the Australasian Trauma Society
  • Past President of the Australasian Trauma Society
  • Lead, Trauma Nurse Credentialing Pathway Taskforce, Australasian Trauma Society
  • Chair, Education Committee, Australasian Trauma Society
  • Chair, Paediatric Special Interest Group, Australasian Trauma Society
  • Co-Chair, Communications Committee, Australasian Trauma Society
  • Chair, Global Trauma Quality Improvement Taskforce, Society of Trauma Nurses
  • International Council Member (Oceania), Society of Trauma Nurses
  • Member, Paediatric Course Curriculum Development Group, Society of Trauma Nurses
  • Member, Paediatric Special Interest Group, Society of Trauma Nurses
  • Member, Member Engagement Committee, Society of Trauma Nurses
  • Member, Trauma Case Review Group, State Trauma Committee
  • Member, Victorian Trauma Grand Rounds Advisory Committee
  • Member, Trauma Verification Committee, Royal Australasian College of Surgeons
  • Member, Emergency Management of Severe Trauma Course (ATLS) Committee
  • Chair of the Board, Loyola College (2015 - 2019)
  • Chair of the Board, St Mary's (2009 - 2013)
  • President, Watsonia North Kindergarten (2006)
Past and Current Participation Activities With STN:
Chair, Global Trauma Quality Improvement Taskforce, Society of Trauma Nurses
  • Presented at multiple international conferences on behalf of STN.
  • Development of WHO quality improvement resources.
International Council Member (Oceania), Society of Trauma Nurses
  • Preparation and review of international resources.
Member, Paediatric Course Curriculum Development Group, Society of Trauma Nurses
  • Participate in online meeting and review of course content.
Member, Paediatric Special Interest Group, Society of Trauma Nurses

Member, Member Engagement Committee, Society of Trauma Nurses
  • Presented a town hall faocusing on mental health and well-being.
STN Town Hall
  • Presented on the effects of the pandemic on nurses across the globe.
International Conference representation
  • ALTC conferences in 2020 and 2021
  • Trauma Association of Canada
  • Australasian Trauma Society

Candidate: Nada Macura Visic, RN
National Director, ATCN Slovenia
Nurses and Midwives Association of Slovenia

  • Head Nurse in Emegrency Centre in General Hospital Jesenice
  • Prisedent od Association of Nurses and Nurse Assistents in Emergency Nursing and Intenisve Care Slovenia as part of Nurses and Midwives Association of Slovenia
  • National Director ATCN Slovenia
  • lecturer in Angela Boškin Faculty of Health Care
Past Experience:
  • 26 years in nursing practice
  • Head Nurse in Emergency centre since 2011
  • lecturer, menthor for students, newly employed
  • member of Nurses and Midwives of Slovenia and Association of Emergency Nursnig and Intensive Care
Statement of Intent:
  • Represent STN and its members to the international community for the purpose of raising awareness about STN membership, programs and services and key initiatives globally and as member of ATCN Europe
  • Provide feedback to the Board of Directors on behalf of STN’s international members.
  • Collaborate with ATCN’s International Chair on international issues specific to ATCN.
  • new experience
  • connecting
  • representative from European part of ATCN
  • international cooperation
Previous Experience Serving On Governing Boards Or Committees:
  • President of Association of Nurses and Nurse Assistents in Emergency Nursing and Intenisve Care Slovenia as part of Nurses and Midwives Association of Slovenia
  • National Director ATCN Slovenia
Past and Current Participation Activities With STN:
ATCN Slovenia

Mission & Vision

The Society of Trauma Nurses is a professional nonprofit organization whose mission is to ensure optimal trauma care to all people locally, regionally, nationally and globally through initiatives focused on trauma nurses related to prevention, education and collaboration with other healthcare disciplines. The Society of Trauma Nurses advocates for the highest level of quality trauma care across the continuum. We accomplish this through an environment that fosters visionary leadership, mentoring, innovation and interdisciplinary collaboration in the delivery of trauma care.

To be the premiere global nursing organization across the trauma continuum.

Collaboration, Education, Innovation, Leadership, Mentoring, and Prevention

Membership, Education, Leadership and Collaboration, Research and Optimal Clinical Care, Legislation and Public Policy, Outreach and Injury Prevention

Membership Retention, Engagement and Participation, Financial Viability and Stability, Adoption of Educational Activities, and Succession Planning

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About Us

The Society of Trauma Nurses is a professional nonprofit organization whose mission is to ensure optimal trauma care to all people locally, regionally, nationally and globally through initiatives focused on trauma nurses related to prevention, education and collaboration with other healthcare disciplines.

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1024 Capital Center Drive, Suite 205, Frankfort, KY 40601